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You want a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, but the notes in your study Bible don't give you enough depth or insight. This commentary was created with you in mind. The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary is a nontechnical, section-by-section commentary on the whole Bible that provides reliable and readable interpretations of the Scriptures from 43 leading evangelical scholars. A complete...

the Spirit’s strengthening, equipping role. A paraklētos was a judicial advocate (cf. Matt. 10:16–20), and here Jesus says that Christians alone can enjoy his aid (John 14:17). As Jesus was alien to the world (1:10), so too his provision of the Spirit will be unknown and unrecognized. As Jesus was on trial in the world (cf. the Book of Signs), now his followers have a judicial aid to support them (15:18–27). The continuation of Jesus’s reassuring words now picks up the language of the second coming
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